Wallace, however, criticises this translation he proposes the translation 'every scripture is inspired and profitable'. Wallace states that numerous scholars believe that the proper translation should be: 'Every inspired scripture is also profitable'. Dodd suggests that it is 'probably to be rendered' as: 'Every inspired Scripture is also useful'. The -tos ending in the Greek theopneustos also designates a passive construct whereby the subject God is breathing out the object ( scripture). Some modern English translations opt for 'God-breathed' ( NIV) or 'breathed out by God' ( ESV). When Jerome translated the Greek text of the Bible into the language of the Vulgate, he translated the Greek theopneustos (θεόπνευστος ) of 2 Timothy 3:16 as divinitus inspirata ('divinely breathed into'). At 2 Tim 3:16 (NRSV), it is written: 'All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching'.